Unexpected Elements

Sat: 6-7 a.m. on WABE 90.1

Unexpected Elements looks beyond everyday narratives to discover a goldmine of scientific stories and connections from around the globe. From Afronauts, to why we argue, to a deep dive on animal lifespans: see the world in a new way.

Find the answers to all those questions of science that have puzzled people around the world – and maybe have your own questions answered as well!

Host Marnie Chesterton has two decades of experience of working in audio, predominantly in science and health programs. She spent 7 years making science and environment output for Radio Netherlands Worldwide, and has been with the BBC since 2013, producing science radio and podcasts for the BBC World Service and BBC Radio 4. Her background is in anatomy, but she’s drawn to the magic of Dark Matter, and loves telling stories about how the world fits together.

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