It’s 2018 and there is still a creek in Georgia named “Runaway Negro Creek.” But Georgia Senators want to change that.
The State Senate unanimously adopted a resolution, 51-0, Wednesday to urge the federal government to rename the creek to Freedom Creek. It was introduced by state Sen. Lester Jackson.
Jamal Toure teaches Africana studies at Savannah State University and said “Freedom Creek” is a good choice for a number or reasons. One being that’s what motivated slaves to run away.
“That is the natural derivative of what was going on,” Toure said. “Africans were not just running away to play in the water. They were running away with a purpose in mind and what’s the purpose they have in mind? Freedom.”
The creek is between 1.25 and 1.5 miles long. It flows from Skidaway River just outside of Skidaway Island State Park near Savannah.