State officials say in another ten years, 60% of jobs in Georgia will require a post-secondary degree. Right now, just over 40% of Georgians have one and educational leaders across the state are trying to change that.
State education officials say Georgia colleges do a good job providing access to students. John Millsaps, a spokesman for the University System of Georgia, says colleges need to make it easier for students to finish.
“For example, if a student was receiving a lot of difficulty transferring between the systems because of the lack of courses transferring over and they said, ‘Well, I just give up,’ we’ve basically shot ourselves in the foot in terms of helping that student complete college,” he says.
To help, Millsaps says, the university system and the technical college system recently approved 17 core classes that will transfer between both systems.
“If you’re a student regardless of where you start in the university system and want to transfer within the university system or to the technical college system, you don’t have to worry about the transferability of those credits,” he explains.