State Rep. Brooks: “Under Attack by the Government”

Elly Yu/WABE

State Representative Tyrone Brooks (D-Atlanta) reiterated his argument Thursday against his federal indictment, telling reporters that he is a “government target.”An audio version of this story

Rep. Brooks stood with a dozen supporters at the Moore’s Ford Bridge in Walton County. The bridge is the site of the 1946 murder of two African-American couples, a crime that has never been solved and has come to be known as the “last public lynching in America.”

Rep. Brooks has focused on the case for more than 40 years. For the past several years, he has organized a reenactment of the murders at the bridge each July, and he says there is a direct link between his federal fraud case and the Moore’s Ford case.

According to Rep. Brooks, “We know that the reason that we have been under attack by the government over the last few weeks — and the horrible things that have been said about me personally – is a direct result of our involvement in the Moore’s Ford Bridge movement.”

But Rep. Brooks did not provide any evidence linking the two.  And longtime Walton County resident, John Howard, questions Brooks’ motives, telling WABE “He just mainly does things so he’ll make a name for himself and be seen.”

The federal indictment alleges Brooks siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars for his personal use from the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials (GABEO) and Universal Humanities, a literacy charity he founded in 1990.