State sharpens Workers Compensation claims process

A new computer system is helping a state agency collect more fines.  Georgia Public Broadcasting in Savannah reports, the State Board of Workers Compensation used to rely on complaints and random inspections.  Now, they’re also checking computer databases.

The board makes sure companies comply with laws mandating they have workers compensation insurance.  That protects workers and employers in case of on-the-job injury. 

The new computers don’t eliminate the need for inspectors to show up randomly.  But the technology does speed the enforcement process, resulting in more fines.  The board’s Stan Bexley says, there hasn’t been a business backlash against the crackdown.

“Some of them are very grateful that we actually do bring them into compliance.  A lot of the businesses are ignorant of the need for the coverage.  Some of them aren’t even aware that their previous coverage has lapsed.”

Bexley says, the system could increase fines 10% to 20%.  Last year, the board fined more than 500 businesses a total of almost a 500,000.