Supporters Rally to Save Fernbank from Budget Cuts

Students, teachers, and parents gathered outside Fernbank Science Center to protest proposed budget cuts to the center.


Monday morning, supporters of Fernbank Science Center held a rally urging the Dekalb County school board to spare the facility from proposed cuts. This week, the board will vote on a district budget, which includes more than $3 million in cuts to Fernbank.

Officials with the Dekalb schools say Fernbank would remain open, but the proposed cuts would include reducing programs and employees. About 100 parents, students and educators showed up to voice their opposition. Cindy Jarrett spoke about her son, Stephen, who developed a love of geology at Fernbank.

“Stephen went on to get his master’s at Harvard in geology,” Jarrett said, “He’s entering a PhD program in earth and planetary science and I’m telling you that Fernbank helped raise our son.”

High school student Sarah Cronin said she started as an aviation camper and years later became a volunteer.

“This is a great resource,” she said, “And if the board cuts that, it’s like this massive brain drain. Once these people are gone, it’s hard to get that kind of power back.”

The board is scheduled to vote on Wednesday. Officials with the Dekalb County Schools could not be reached for comment before deadline.