Survey: Most of Georgia’s Bridges are in Good Shape

A new survey shows Georgia has some of the best bridge infrastructure in the nation. WABE's John Lorinc reports.

Ninth place.

That’s how Georgia’s bridges rank, according to a new report from Transportation for America.

The coalition says roughly 11% of bridges in the nation are structurally deficient, which means they need work or closer inspections.

Findings are based on data from the National Bridge Inventory of the Federal Highway Administration.

Researchers say Georgia has a lot of relatively new bridges, which helps its ranking.

“You also have mild weather, mild climate,” says Transportation for American spokesman David Goldberg.

There are 14,730 bridges in the Peach State.  Goldberg says nearly 880 of them, roughly 6%, are deficient.

“Fulton County, for example has 43 bridges on the structurally deficient list.  Most of those are locally owned and those are going to be hard to get any federal help for, because it’s all going to have to come from taxpayers,” says Goldberg.

The average age of Georgia’s bridge is 41 years.