Twelve Years On, Atlantans Remember September 11, 2001

Lisa George/WABE

The audio of the story as broadcast.

People throughout metro Atlanta gathered today to remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.  

Firefighters and police officers gathered at Atlanta’s Public Safety headquarters to remember all those who died twelve years ago today but especially their brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the line of duty.

“They knew the danger that they were going to face,” Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran told the group. 

“But they also knew that there was a calling on their lives as firefighters and police officers have. And that calling pushes firefighters and police officers literally to a point of no return, as was demonstrated 

on September 11, 2001.” 
One of the largest groups represented was Atlanta’s latest class of fire department recruits, 36 men and 
women who will begin their careers of service early next year.
After the laying of wreaths, the lowering of the flags, and the ringing of the bell, the ceremony closed 
with the song, “Amazing Grace,” accompanied by the instrument –the bagpipes — both of which have become all too much a reminder of September 11, 2001.