Vibrant new mural beautifies pathways at Sara J. Gonzalez Memorial Park

A public mural by artist Jose Ray is featured at Sara J. Gonzalez Park in Atlanta. (Courtesy of SCAD SERVE Paint Our Parks)

This year’s Hispanic Heritage Month saw the unveiling of a colorful new mural in Atlanta’s Sara J. Gonzalez Memorial Park on the Westside by muralist Jose Ray. The artist, a graduate of SCAD, the Savannah College of Art and Design, worked alongside a team from SCAD SERVE, a student organization that leads community outreach projects.

In this interview, Ray and SCAD SERVE executive director Dean Ballas joined “City Lights” host Lois Reitzes to talk more about the newly beautified park, its historic namesake and the many accomplishments of SCAD’s student volunteer team. 

“It transforms communities; it becomes a point of pride. There is no question [about] the importance of public art in our community space,” Ballas said.

Ray’s new mural now decorates the paths of Sara J. Gonzalez Memorial Park, thanks to the help of volunteers from SCAD SERVE.