WABE's Week In Review: Impact of Trump verdict in Georgia and corruption investigations thwarted at Atlanta City Hall

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks Wednesday, April 10, 2024, after arriving in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Jason Allen)

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Also in this episode…

–Chamain Cruz tells us more about Atlanta’s inspector general saying there is a concerted effort by some at city hall to thwart investigations into potential corruption.

–We hear MARTA’s General Manager and CEO Collie Greenwood defending the scheduled long-term closure of the Five Points MARTA station for a massive overhaul.

–Marlon Hyde reports on the shakeup at the top of Atlanta-based rail giant Norfolk Southern.

–Juma Sei details a new report looking at how Georgia’s child care system is stifling women’s economic mobility.

–Summer Evans reports on Atlanta officials launching launching a nationwide search for a new director of cultural affairs.

–And two Georgia students represented the state proudly at the Scripps national Spelling Bee. We detail the R-E-S-U-L-T-S.