In Wake of City Council Defeat, Cheshire Neighborhoods Vow to Stay Unified

Neighborhood groups surrounding Atlanta’s Cheshire Bridge Road say they’ll stick together, despite a major setback in efforts to relocate the area’s adult businesses.

The Atlanta City Council Monday rejected a measure that would have forced Cheshire’s adult businesses to relocate within five years.

“It was a Herculean effort,” said Jane Rawlins, the chair of the neighborhood’s planning unit. “Unfortunately we were unsuccessful.” 

Rawlins blamed the loss on “unfounded” notions of what it would have done.

“It was a very targeted piece of legislation. It was not meant to be a citywide piece of legislation. Unfortunately that was a concern by many.”

Rawlins says the neighborhood groups – including Morningside Lenox Park Association, Piedmont Heights Civic Association, and Lindridge/Martin Manor Neighborhood Association – remain committed to the area’s 1999 vision statement calling for a safer, more pedestrian-friendly corridor.

“The reality is we’re left with bad zoning which puts incompatible uses in back of our neighborhood homes and that’s a radical problem, and radical problems need radical solutions,” said Rawlins.

But for now, she’s merely hoping to push Cheshire’s local business association to create more accountability for noise and disturbance complaints.