Want To Be A Film Extra In Atlanta? Here Are Some Tips.

Becoming a film extra may not be easy work to get, but it can be rewarding in the end.

Atlanta was named by a trade publication as America’s best big city for people working in the film industry in 2016.

As productions flourish around the city, so do calls for extras, actors participating in non-speaking roles for the purpose of world-building and atmosphere in films and television shows.

Working as an extra gives Atlantans the opportunity to have their faces immortalized on the silver screen, and there tend to be multiple casting calls for a variety of roles, descriptions and interests at any time.

While you may not become a legend by coining the line, “These pretzels are making me thirsty,” you can leave the set with a decent chunk of change in your pocket. Many agencies tend to pay around $8 per hour, but some larger productions have offered as much as $12.50 per hour for a guaranteed eight-hour minimum.

(See below for links to the Facebook pages of Atlanta casting companies that have updated information on casting calls and extra auditions.)

What does it take to be a film extra?

Every film has different requirements for the extras they might need, be they related to complexion, haircut, height, sex or anything else. But generally the application process is similar for every casting agency. Anyone looking to become an extra needs the following on-hand:

  • Three or four full-color photos

Try for a photo of your face and shoulders, one of your entire body and a profile (from the side) shot. Have the photos taken against a plain background. The goal is to show casting agents what you look like, rather than how artsy you can be.

  • Measurements and sizes

Many roles will require actors to be in period clothing, specific uniforms or the like. Including your clothing measurements, clothing sizes and shoe sizes will help the costume department cast according to their capabilities.

  • A social media account

Casting agencies in Atlanta tend to be more active on social media than anywhere else, plus many social media sites allow readers to set notifications when certain pages post. Those planning to audition can always be ahead of the game.

  • Willingness to wait around

Filming is a long and arduous process. As an extra you will be required to stay silent in the background for 8 to 12 hours per day. TourGeorgiaFilm.com recommends you keep yourself occupied with headphones or a book.

Where do I apply?

Once you find the casting call you’re interested in applying for, you will need to read up on the requirements of the call itself and then forward any requested information to the email address provided in the release.

In order to stay on top of the work, make sure to follow everyone. The following are Facebook pages for Atlanta-area and Georgia casting agencies:

Other sites of interest: