New true crime book 'Zenith Man' explores unusual case in 1990s Georgia

Book cover of "Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom" by McCracken Poston Jr. (Citadel)

McCracken Poston Jr. is a practicing criminal defense attorney and former Georgia House of Representatives state legislator.

He just published his new book “Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom,” the true story behind a controversial and unusual true crime murder.

Alvin Ridley was charged with murdering his wife in the late 1990s, only to be found innocent thanks to overlooked, peculiar evidence and the persistent efforts of a small-town lawyer.

Poston describes his account in “Zenith Man” as a warning about prejudice, the dangers of rushing to judgment and how Americans who are different can be unfairly swept up in our justice system.

He joined “All Things Considered” to discuss the book’s release and the lessons he learned himself in the process.

Christopher Alston contributed to this report.