Zoo Atlanta Welcomes Newborn Orangutan

The newborn Sumatran Orangutan

Zoo Atlanta

A Zoo Atlanta orangutan named Blaze gave birth to a healthy male Thursday morning.

She had the zoo’s first C-section orangutan birth.

As far as the zoo knows, this is only the third procedure of this kind.

A combined team of veterinarians, doctors, and nurses conducted the birth.

Deputy zoo director Dwight Lawson says the procedure was similar to a human C-section:

“The tricky part is, obviously, you’re dealing with a wild animal so it’s not like you can communicate exactly what’s going on before and after. So, there are a couple of twists.”

Zoo Atlanta has the nation’s largest collection of orangutans.

Orangutans are in danger of becoming extinct in the wild, so a birth in captivity is important to the survival of the species.

Blaze and her baby are gradually being introduced to one another as she recovers from surgery and gets used to being a new mother.

The newborn doesn’t yet have a name.